The Shot Blast Machine is designed for shot blast cleaning of castings from cinder patches and slag. In the shot blast machine of discontinuous operation the work space is made of rubber belt with end plates.
A forklift loads castings to a shot blast chamber which features a liner made of a rubber belt with end plates. Castings get continuously and uniformly burnished. This process ensures uniform cleaning from all sides of castings. Transporter speed and blasting time are set with regard to casting rotation during burnishing. When the transporter is reversed castings get discharged from the chamber.
Grit cleaning and exhaust
Quality fettling of castings depends on grit cleanness. Sand, scale, burrs and fines have to be separated from grit prior to its use. A magnetic separator and pneumatic cleaning are used for this purpose. The system works even with a very dirty grit.
A reliable filtering system carefully removes dust which accumulates during fettling. An efficient system of dust removal ensures cleanness, environmental safety and a continuous operation of both the Shot Blast Machine and the separator.
Installations of MB type are the latest generation of well-known drum-type Wheelabrator machines. This line of machines features reliable technologies coupled with high degree of adaptability to specific needs including economical aspects.